I have been in search of the perfect cloth diapering system for a while now. It seems everything we tried worked for a while but then leaked all over our sheets. I tried expensive fancy diapers with high tech soakers and doublers and while they were nice and they kept us dry most of the time they just weren't what I was looking for. Finally I have found the perfect system for us overnight. It's so easy and obvious I can't believe I didn't try it sooner.
My cast of characters. 1 Unbleached Premium Prefold. 1 Bamboo infant prefold, 2 pins in a bar of soap to help lubricate them and 1 wool soaker.
Trifold the bamboo prefold inside the premium prefold like this.
Lay baby on there and trifold the front to help make leg gussets and to make the diaper fit through her legs. Then pin one side.
Pull it tight and pin the other side.
Put on your woolie and you're ready to go to bed!